New Years Resolution

My lifestyle isn't that bad at all now and I'm pushing myself all the time to do new and previously impossible things.

So for 2011 I'm giving up alcohol.

I'm not a big drinker but I don't see alcohol as a necessity. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy alcohol but I reckon I  can go without it.

So here goes.


  1. Good luck! I used to drink a bit too much (going back 10 yrs) not alcoholic but usual rush of youth type pub 3 / 4 times a week, but I stopped drinking for a few years and didnt really notice the difference. I shall enjoy a pint now and again, I think last year I had around 10 pints all year. Its nice not waking up with a bad head!

  2. I'm definitely what society calls a 'binge drinker'. Apart from the odd pint, I normally have all my weekly units in one go 5-6 times a year.

  3. Good luck, alcohol isn't one of life's necessities but I do enjoy a nice glass of red - every night ;-)

  4. I'm going to give up Alcohol to....Apart from Cider...That's at least one of my 5 a day :-)

  5. Well I managed from May till Decemeber without even planning to go with out. Only bought some cider and wine in over the festive break because "its what we normally do".

    Currently have a unopened bottle of Vodka (which I have had for 2 months) and a couple of bottle of the wine. No plans to open them at the moment.

  6. Thanks guys.

    It seems like ages ago since I set myself this challenge. I've been tempted a few times to have a drink as there's still booze around the house since Christmas. Hopefully as the weeks go on and the alcohol gets put away or drunk by my other half, the temptation will disappear.

  7. Well I did it. I went the whole of 2011 without any alcohol. I had my first drink at a few minutes past midnight. What will be my next challenge?


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