Fat to Fit by bicycle

8 stone lost

When I weighed myself this morning I've officially lost over 8 stone. I now weigh 79.6kg (12st 7lb) which means I've lost 52.2kg (8st 3lb). Although I'm no longer using weight as my goal, it's good to see when I hit these traditional milestones. This week I'll be getting my body fat measured. I hope that it's gone down by about 1% but with the amount it's dropped in recent months I won't be disappointed if it doesn't.

I'm still cycling to work and still cycling for pleasure. I have a cold at the moment so decided to give cycling last weekend a miss. I rode to work this morning with a tail wind. I knew this meant I'd have a headwind for the ride home. However it was really windy and there was driving rain! I got soaked but it took me 55 mins to ride the 9 miles :-(

I'm still running, using the NHS Choices Couch to 5K programme. It's going well having completed week 5 and running for a continuous 20 mins. It's hard but not impossible.

I'm still getting the swimming coaching for my triathlon. Boy, it's hard! I'm having to relearn how to swim and it's so tiring. I hope I'll get the hang of it soon.

Here's a before and after picture for you. The before picture was taken at work two years ago. The after picture was taken at my brother's wedding recently.


  1. As someone who has last 5 stone, I know how tough it is.

    Very well done! Those before and after shots really look like two different people.

  2. Incredible stuff! Inspired me to get back on track!

  3. You are now lighter than me - bugger!

    Well done :-)

  4. Well done, Puzzle took the words right out of my mouth, It does look like two different people and look at your body language in the before photo almost trying to hide yourself with your arms

  5. You'll have to change your blog and twitter alias soon. I believe "@skinnybugger" may still be available.

    Well done.

  6. Yeah - what Dave Telling said!! Double Bugger!! ;-)

  7. Cracking job, motivated me to push on!

  8. Mate those pics are stunning, having lost two stone prior to Easter and just put it back on I need to learn from you guys! Thanksfully I'm not back to the 23 stone I started with!

  9. Looking good....well done!

  10. Fantastic, just shows what you can do by sticking to a sensible exercise/eating plan, which is easier said than done.

  11. Cheers for all your kind comments. If I can do it anyone can. However for those that haven't yet realised, it take will power and a lot of hard work. Still not at the end yet.


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