Fat to Fit by bicycle

3 year anniversary

Yesterday was three years since I started cycling.

In that time I've ridden a total distance of 13,662 miles. I've lost 8 stone in weight and become a new person both physically and mentally.

In the past year I found myself hitting an invisible barrier, weight wise, that I couldn't get below. My weight went up and down a number of pounds but stayed fairly stable. I tried new methods of diet and exercise and had some success. I tried to focus less on the weight and more on the fat percentage.

One thing I've learned over the last year is that as I'm getting used to how I look now, I'm also finding it hard to be comfortable with my new body image. I'll be honest and tell you that I was never comfortable before but now I have a new shape, I'm not totally happy either. There's always more I can do but it will take a lot longer to shape than it has up until now. I've posted a couple of before and after pictures. I was very anxious about posting these publicly but I think it needs to be done.

I also went for an anniversary ride. I recreated the first ride I ever did on my mountain bike. Just 3 miles. I was a massive step for me 3 years ago.


  1. It's hard to believe those photos are the same person. Congratulations on sticking to a plan and your amazing weight loss.

    I often run and cycle round Shinewater lake - great route!

  2. You've got to be proud of how far you've come. You just need to decide on where you want to go now, that's half the battle.

    I'm having a slow start to the year on the weight loss front, only 1kg so far, but I'm about to go up a gear or two.

  3. Awesome job Toby, its certainly a new lease on life.

  4. Awesome achievement, should be very proud of yourself. Don't become fixated by weight, you're a fit healthy human being that's going to be around for his kids now & in the future - enjoy it!

  5. Toby,

    That's a very impressive achievement. I cycle a lot - and you've cycled a little more than I have in the last three years.

    On the body image stuff, I wonder if it might be worth talking to a professional of some kind. I think it's something with which a lot of people struggle and you like, to judge by those pictures, absolutely fine now. A lot of people struggle with thinking about such big changes in their bodies. It's a genuinely big challenge for the brain to cope with it. But forgive me if I'm speaking out of turn.

    But you've done a remarkable job and really changed how you're living. That's a huge achievement.

    All the best,


  6. Superb achievement Toby - as you know we have exchanged a couple of mails through this year as your success became my motivation. The pictures are a clear indication of your fantastic achievement - keep up the great work and continue to keep the blog live - very well done.. Derek Bilton

  7. You have done amazingly well Sir. Stay strong and carry on striving for what I eventually hope we will both hit - complete happiness. It's an uphill ride, but think of the downhill at the end :).

  8. Thanks for all your kind and positive comments. It's been a tough journey at times and it's ongoing.


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